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“MIYUKI is less about modern love than the squirmy, toxic subject of asian fetishism, which it treats in an interesting way.“ - Mike Hale, New York Times, featured in the Sunday edition of the Arts and Leisure section on the ‘Watchlist’

"What makes this comedy of errors involving personal ads such a fun flick to watch is the title character’s cheerful, good-natured attitude. Dana Shiraki does a fabulous job with a character who doesn’t speak much English but says so much with her facial expressions." - Kim Adelman, Indiewire

"Countless filmmakers get their start in ‘the business’ and/or make the money that feeds them and pays their rent as they push the rock up the hill that is making their first films by working for film festivals and organizations like the film society of lincoln center. on average, very few ever return to that film fest with a film of their own. having had his short film, MIYUKI play at the recently concluded new directors/new films festival, Will McCord is that exception." - John Wildman, Film Society of Lincoln Center

”CASUAL ENCOUNTERS is an excellent film and comes highly recommended due to its amazing performances, elaborate world it creates with intertwining storylines, and its content that is usually not shown in films.“ - Adam Wells, Flixchatter


”CASUAL ENCOUNTERS is an indie, micro-budget masterpiece” - Derek Horne, Director of Programming, Sante Fe Independent Film Festival

Read the feature story in the New York Daily News on by clicking here.

Read an interview with Will McCord on the website Cinespect by clicking here.

Read a feature story in the Courier News by clicking here.

Read an article on CASUAL ENCOUNTERS in Brooklyn’s Greenpoint Gazette at by clicking here.

Read about the Emerging Visions program that CASUAL ENCOUNTERS was selected for by clicking here.


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